Prolapse Month! Part III – Interview With a Prolapse: Buskowianka

Prolapse Month! Part III – Interview With a Prolapse: Buskowianka

Buskowianka is a bit different to the other prolapsers I have been in contact with. For one he’s a straight guy, and seems to do all his anal play by himself. I find it fascinating when a straight guy goes for this, so I wanted to ask him about his journey.

Find Buskowianka here:

Read my other Prolapse Month articles:
 Part I: Prolapses: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Part II: Interviewing Timmyph, Thunderhoof and HungerFF

1. Tell us about the beginnings of your prolapse. How long ago did you begin? What gave you the idea in the first place to train it? Was it a natural thing you noticed and decided to enhance, or did you grow it from nothing?
My journey began around 2015. At that time I was browsing through some porn and noticed female pornstars able to prolapse just a little bit. I was unable to get any information regarding how to proceed with prolapsing so decided to try it out on my own. I was desperate to get a small mucosal prolapse that would be just slightly sticking out 🙂 Little did I know back then, that as soon as I hit 5 cm diameter capability, I would prolapse but much more than expected! Guess I’ve gone too hard too quickly. It took me around 6 months to be able to take up 5cm wide buttplugs and I believe that was the major factor that started prolapse in my case. I used to train my anus daily, truly fantastic experience haha. I believe it was matter of hard work rather than any sort of genetic predisposition etc. I used to be stuck with small prolapse for months and I always pushed myself to go further, to discover new methods how can I improve and speed up the process. I’ve invested lots of my free time into researching reasons behind the prolapse as well.

2. What do you like most about your prolapse? Are there any specific physical characteristics about yours that you particularly enjoy? And what about the act of prolapsing, what turns you on about training it and having it?
Being able to play with it whenever I want! I’ve always dreamt about having prolapse so big that I would be able to casually push it out and I achieved it. Of course, currently my goals have changed and I’m still wishing for a bigger size. I love how pinkish it looks, how wet it becomes with just a a little arousal and how it always leaves a wet mark on my underwear whenever I’m in the right mood. It’s the sight of increasing length that gives me motivation to pursue my dreams. Whenever I imagine I could possibly be the only person with such a prolapse, it sends my sex-drive over the roof!

Another thing is I’ve always dreamt about being able to casually push out my prolapse and then use it as a toy – you know, wrap it around my penis and stroke until I achieve bliss 😊 However, that still belongs to my dreams.

3. Do you see it as a purely positive aspect of your body? Are there any negatives, eg. issues going to the toilet; incontinence; prolapsing by accident etc.
Nowadays, I dont see any negatives to having a prolapse of my size. In the beginning I used to deal with lots of bloating and constipation. It took a serious amount of time until I managed to adjust my habits, eg. eating and daily routine to avoid such stuff. Surprisingly, I dont have such symptoms anymore.

I dont notice any sign of incontinence either, apart from some moments when I make dietary mistake and suffer from its consequences – diarrhea can be unbearable for me. Meaning, most probably I wouldn’t reach the toilet on time. That’s a negative. But never had any issues regarding prolapsing by accident. It does only protrude slightly while bearing heavily ex. Heavy objects.  On the other hand, having a prolapse means it’s much easier to clean myself and prepare for anal play. I can always use it for self pleasure and I immensely enjoy the fact that it’s never going to turn back to normal again. 🥰

4. What’s the timing of your training regimen like? It seems like you have periods where you train every day, and then stop to have a recovery period to let your guts return to normal digestive function. Is this out of caution, or have you had problems before?
I often train just before going to sleep. I believe this helps to gain the extra length, as muscles are already worked up from a long day, I find it much easier for myself to train at this time of the day. Letting myself rest is important in my training regime, my best routine involves playing each day until bowel movement happens. Then I give myself a few days of rest to normalize everything and ensure progress has been made. I’ve had no problems related to bowel functioning but noticed they are working much faster if I play too often.

5. What is it like being a straight guy who pleasures his asshole?
Hmmm. Quite normal I guess. Meaning, I find it natural to seek pleasure within my own body. Learning to pleasure yourself doesn’t imply you are gay or straight. Personally, I find it quite arousing when people look at my pics and act surprised saying: wow, straight guy playing with his ass, it must be a hoax! However being 1 in 1000000 other people or even more, who can do such stuff with my asshole is fascinating. I hope to be able to gradually move my boundaries to an even higher level. And if people think it’s gay I don’t care nor mind it.

6. You also have a partner; how does that affect your training and your prolapse in general? Does she have a relationship to your butt/prolapse?
I do but prefer not to share any details 😉

7. How do you view the potential dangers of having a body modification that goes wrong? There seems to be a danger of having the gut get stuck outside the body, losing blood flow, and then having to get it operated on and losing your ability for anal pleasure. Is that just a risk you are willing to take or do you think such a danger is exaggerated?
Such danger is very real and should be thought about carefully before deciding to go for it. Chances of it happening are low in my case, I have full control over my muscles and never been in a situation when for example it got stuck outside. No matter how big it becomes, I can always pull it back inside. I would find it concerning otherwise. Bad stuff can happen… Nevertheless, it excites me to the point I’m willing to take all risks and see how far can I go.

8. Describe how it feels to prolapse. Everyone wants to know 😀
It’s similar to pooping. You push out a very long, hefty object but you never get the exact feeling of release, instead, whenever you push out your prolapse you feel slightly relieved as the pressure in the abdomen is partially released. I’m not sure if I’m the only person that finds it pleasurable though!

In touch its wet, soft and hot. Maybe not too hot but temperature is slightly higher than body’s temperature.

9. Do you have any horror stories that involve your prolapse? Eg. falling out in public.
Horror stories? Don’t think so. There were some situations when I felt endangered but it was more due to having objects stuck in my ass rather than anything related to a prolapse. Ex. Got a tangerine 🍊 stuck inside and had to push really hard to get it back outside. Not a long time ago, got an apple stuck in similar way but much much higher. Thankfully, I was able to retrieve it as well 😅 Playing with round objects is risky.

10. Question from a twitter fan: have you given your prolapse a name and/or star sign? If so, what and why?
I haven’t and never thought about it to be honest 🤣 Guess it’s a she but giving her a nickname would be too much for me haha. It’s the way I care about it makes me think that way 🥰

11. Any rarely heard tips about developing the prolapse? Do you have a favourite/most effective technique?
This is the most discussed question among the community and I find it most concerning. The reason is, everyone is built a little bit differently. Our anatomy varies from person to person and what works for me, possibly won’t work for anyone else. It took me long years to find out my most effective routine and I believe that if someone wants to follow my steps despite knowing the consequences, he or she would have to do some research and carefully choose exercises that would work best for them.

All I can recommend is to be playing as often as possible in a way that would traumatise anus as much as possible. Inserting buttplugs suddenly, and suddenly getting them out. Fisting rapidly exiting and reentering inside the rectum. Rapidly increasing size of the toys. Also, taking time to research prolapse is very important. With knowledge comes greater understanding.

12. Any extra words of wisdom to budding prolapsers out there?
Actually yes! Back in the times I was starting there was little to no information regarding this topic. Still I find it concerning up to this day so I would suggest doing as much research on your own as possible. Learn the human body, learn your body, learn to listen to yourself. Never trust people telling you to do something if you feel unsure with it. It’s your body and you have the right to do with it whatever you want. I won’t endorse prolapsing among all people on earth but I’m pretty sure if you’ve already been doing this for few years, then you will be able to achieve the same results I have.

Prolapse Month! Part II – Interviewing Timmyph, Thunderhoof, and HungerFF

Prolapse Month! Part II – Interviewing Timmyph, Thunderhoof, and HungerFF

In this article:

  • Interviewing the people behind the prolapses
  • 7 things we talked about
  • These are a few of my favourite prolapse vids

Read my other Prolapse Month articles:
Part I: Prolapses: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Part III: Interview with a Prolapse: Buskowianka

Now that you’ve read part oneall about prolapses through a more medical lens, we get to have dessert. And have I got a treat for you!

Interviewing the people behind the prolapses
On a recent Sunday I got to have a Holesome Chat with Timmyph, HungerFF, Thunderhoof. You can watch it by subscribing to my patreon here. Timmyph phoned in from a highway rest-stop together with the famed Jayevil in the car seat next to him (we were enamoured with Jay’s surprise appearance); HungerFF was live from his sabbatical/holiday apartment in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, looking fresh and glistening in the sun; and Thunderhoof and his adorable doggy came to us from his place somewhere in Ireland. And we chatted all things prolapse.

I admit that Timmy, Hunger and Thunderhoof all belong to my wank bank. Chatting with them for Holesome was such an experience for me because I was focused on their faces rather than their buttholes for once, and I felt the humanity come flushing back into my face – I’m sure I blushed like a schoolgirl. And I had to pinch myself as well, because this is where I am now, interviewing my sex idols and getting to know them a little bit. And no, knowing them doesn’t make them any less sexy to me. It’s just a matter of refocusing. I might end up watching them less and want to play with them more…but no, their buttholes are at the top of their game – why would I stop watching?

Here are some cool things we talk about on the Holesome Chat:
1. Fantasy vs real life.
This is number one because it’s the most important. Hunger mentioned the potential of his body getting injured from the prolapsing if it goes too far. He has mentioned to me on a few occasions how the viewer, especially in live sessions, might only have their fantasy in mind, which is to see Hunger’s prolapse out to the max – something that might end up causing injury or needing assistance to get put back in (however unlikely a scenario that may seem). It’s important to differentiate between a fantasy of endless prolapse on a pornstar, and the reality of what a person is able to do safely with their body. Zoom out a bit and I classify this as seeing the people beyond their sex acts, or in this case the people behind their prolapses. This even belongs inside the discussion of sex work is work. I won’t get into it any further, just wanted to sketch that thought for you briefly. Think about it next time you goon out to someone prolapsing.

2. How it feels having one
Timmy said that he loves the feeling of having a prolapse because he can feel the pressure in his guts that are outside, pulling it out. That makes a lot of sense when you think about it. We fist bottoms all appreciate the pressure of something against our insides, especially deeper in – it isn’t about the nerve endings of the asshole so much, but rather the pressure of things moving around, stretching and moving the guts. This is like the inside out version of that. for the part that is outside (the rectum), and the tugging of that on the guts that are inside. Hunger mentioned the term Prolapsing For Pleasure, something that he has discussed on some mainstream podcasts: the idea that prolapsing is pleasurable in the same way someone might have a wank. PFP anyone?

3. Shitting with one
Yep, everyone wants to know. The guys give the last word on this, and Hunger revealed the truth for the first time! All three guys said they have a lot of control over their guts. My understanding was that this doesn’t happen to Thunderhoof. Timmy had no comment on the matter… So maybe it’s completely individual? And stop asking this question because apparently nobody wants to think too much about shit. The End. Btw, if this is a fetish of yours, go to and search for it. You’re welcome.

4. Putting Timmy back inside requires special skill, and obviously Jayevil has played enough with Timmy to know exactly how to do it. We talked briefly about the technique of putting it back in, but it has to be seen to be believed. It certainly takes patience and tenacity, and I can’t wait to take the practical test myself. Interestingly, Thunderhoof and Hunger can suck theirs back in most of the time, though Hunger raves on about how much nicer/easier/more intimate/sexier it is when his top helps him out with it. Can we call this putting the baby to bed?

5. Get out, and stay out!
Keeping it out for a long time does become uncomfortable (except for Hunger apparently, who has sometimes left it out for hours, and even fell asleep with it out once). Having its circulation cut off is a real thing, and a logical concern to have. Thankfully all 3 of their loose holes don’t have too much of a problem getting their guts shoved back through them. However I do sometimes have nightmares of Timmy’s guts getting trapped outside forever and falling off. Hot, right? 

6. Growing it
Thunderhoof is adamant that you shouldn’t do things like pump your prolapse. He told us that every bit of growing he has done has been from using toys. All three of my prolapsing trio agreed that their prolapse started incidentally; it wasn’t something they had the goal of attaining. Growing it after that seems to have been easy. That is a lot of anecdotal evidence for prolapsing being nature rather than nurture. Buskowianka (a straight prolapser) has a bit of a different take on it – read his Prolapse Month interview here.

7. Actually coming together to talk about their prolapses with each other was something that had not yet ever been documented. The Brothers Prolapse! I am super happy that I was able to facilitate this, and I highly recommend you go watch it. They go off on all sorts of tangents about their prolapses, and it was all fascinating to hear. You can watch Holesome by subscribing to for as little as $2.

Now it’s time for dessert. This is a list of some of my favourite prolapse vids, you nasty fuckers. Get those poppers ready.

1. My all-time favourite: HungerFF and Pumpermike (where Pumpernike extends Hunger’s prolapse by ⅓, only available at

2. StalkerFF Double fisting a giant prolapse

3. Meat on a boat

4. Brik7 and Bottom_FF

5. Thunderhoof Pissing and prolapsing on a wooden floor (only available at jff)

6. Pup_tr4c3r

7. Budman

8. Eli Zaheer

9. Timmyph’s prolapse ring

Or the bootleg for ya (Timmy I hope you don’t mind!):

10. Timmyph asshole to armpits

And finally some special mentions:

IncredibleGuy – the most recent addition I’ve seen.
@prolapseenhance from Australia, growing his prolapse nicely.

Punchboy, of course

Check out @dungeonsanti on twitter for the craziest dark fantasy drawings all dedicated to prolapses.

Next up: Part III of Prolapse Month: I interviewed Buskowianka, a straight, passionate prolapser – go check it out.

Also don’t forget to subscribe to support my blog and receive the video content 😉

You’re welcome.


Prolapse Month! Part I – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Prolapse Month! Part I – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Hey everyone! With the expansion of my blog I decided to delve deeper in to specific topics – to allow myself to fall down the rabbit hole, so to speak. I couldn’t resist starting with a topic that is near and dear to my heart, prolapses. So Prolapse Month became a real big thing, eventually taking me 3 months to research and write about, and including interveiws with prolapsers , containing perhaps more discussion and information about prolapsing as a sexual fetish than ever before. I’m keeping the name Prolapse Month because Prolapse Quarter sounds like a serving suggestion.

 Prolapse Month ended up including a video interview as well as 3 blog posts:
Part I: The Good, the Bad and The Ugly (stay on this page for that below)
Part II: Interviewing Timmyph, Thunderhoof and HungerFF
Part III: Interview with a Prolapse: Buskowianka

In this article:

  1. Intro to prolapses
  2. The medical side
  3. Can you make one?

What I write here is intended to be purely informational. I have spent MLFB’s first Prolapse Month speaking to prolapsers, researching it as a medical condition, trying to understand it from an anatomical perspective, and wanking to it all month. I’m tired. Happy tired. But  I’ve been worried about how to present this information responsibly, as I know that some of you who read this are trying to make your very own prolapse. My aim here is not to encourage that. I am simply portraying prolapsing as it is for some people in reality, and you as informed adults can do with that information what you want. I do find it mindblowingly sexy, which is why I chose to cover the topic, but that alone is not intended to encourage you to damage yourself. Consider me the Paul Morris (Treasure Island Media) of blogging, haha.

Any time I write disclaimers on my blog about the information I present is because I am showing you as obviously as I can that you are responsible for yourself. This is a courtesy, it is not legally required. Consider this my latest disclaimer.

So here we go. You’ve been warned.

If you follow me on twitter (@jazzmatazzoz), then you no doubt know by now that I am crazy about prolapses. They’re so polarising, I know, and prolapses aren’t for you please ignore this or read with bemused amusement. For me, prolapses started as that car crash I just couldn’t look away from. I admit that when I started to realise I was incredibly turned on by them, I had to go through an acceptance all over again. First acceptance: gayness. Second acceptance: fisting. Third acceptance: prolapse lover. I’m not sorry, and I’m not going to say that I am. Countless times I had to throw my laptop across the room in disgust as soon as I orgasmed over a prolapse vid, knocking over yet another glass of red wine and tulips in a vase. Now that I’m a responsible adult, I own it: I’m a connoisseur. I love the weird tongue-like shapes they make and their gurgling noises, their different colours, the way some of them struggle to go back inside. I love how each one behaves differently. And I love the way the guys with them really, really enjoy the feeling of pushing them out. I could argue how similar the obsession is to that towards fisting itself, but I know that I don’t need to be changing anyone’s mind; if you get it, great, if not, I don’t care. But I, like many people, am fascinated. So this January push has come to shove: I decided to declare this month Prolapse Month on my blog, and interview some of the biggest prolapsers in gay porn.

Hold up, I don’t understand, what actually is it?

Rectal prolapse, which we commonly just call prolapsing in the FF community, is when a part of the end guts, which are reddish in colour, protrude through the butthole. Its baby sister, the rosebud, is something most fistees obtain early on, as your butthole gets loose enough to let a little bit of your rectum say peek-a-boo if you push hard enough. A Prolapse is less peek-a-boo, more alien monster come to terrorise your neighbourhood. It is the whole rectum coming out through your asshole. You’ll know it when you see it, and it is much more rare / harder to attain than a simple rosebud.

We’re gonna unfurl this early on, because I want to make sure you know that rectal prolapse is considered a medical condition. Remember that I’m not a doctor, so I’m only presenting my understanding of what I’ve read. There are actally two kinds, the partial rectal prolapse that presents like a plump donut outside of your asshole. The second kind is the full rectal prolapse, which is obviously when the entire rectum comes out through the asshole. Pretty straight forward. Rosebud < partial rectal prolapse < full rectal prolapse.

It’s considered problematic only in cases where it’s dangerous or unwanted. Prolapse is rarely a medical emergency (many sources state that, eg. Mayo Clinic), specifically when the rectal tissue loses blood supply. In cases where this happens, it’s because it becomes stuck outside (aka an incarcerated rectum, love that term), and is strangled by the asshole. The rectal tissue can become gangrenous, i.e. die. It turns black, really unpretty, and needs to be removed. Other emergency cases include when the tissue is injured, making it subject to infection, so having it outside the body becomes dangerous as that’s where foreign pathogens such as bacteria are. These two situations are an obvious medical emergency. A prolapse might also have ulcers, which is a problem kind of separate from the fact that the guts are prolapsed, but just as much requiring medical attention.

Why prolapse usually happens

Prolapse happens for a number of reasons, and simply google image searching rectal prolapse will expose you to pretty much all of them (N.B. not for the squamish – look at your own risk). Newborn babies with abnormal development might have rectal prolapse, as might women who have given birth. Malnourishment, constipation, and disease are common factors. Age is also a factor: the usual wear and tear on the body over time might cause it to happen, just as you can expect with many other aspects of the body slowly shutting down – cancer, arthritis, and various other defects that unfortunately appear over time. Prolapse can be unhappy, unwanted, and potentially dangerous, ultimately because getting the rectum back inside might not be possible. In other cases it goes back in but won’t stay back in, and incontinence occurs. Operations to rectify prolapse involve various methods of cutting the protruding guts away, sometimes involving a stoma bag for a time, i.e. diverting your shit into a bag while the guts heal.

Despite the above information, we fetishise prolapses, and some of us do want to make our very own little alien baby protrusion. This is complicated. I have talked to one particular prolapser who doesn’t show his online because he doesn’t want others to get dangerous ideas of forcing themselves to prolapse. I used to try to make it happen; my little rosebud and I loved the feeling of a cock pump on my guts, but it would bleed, and I felt like I was doing some damage pulling at it for so long, trying to force it further out of me. Ask me privately and I’ll tell you exactly how depraved this compulsion got before I eventually gave up on that idea, because it didn’t feel safe. I got over it eventually and gave up on my attempts, opting instead to enjoy those guys who actually have one. My verdict: be very mindful of any damage you may be doing to your body. This is not a game, and you might be putting your precious guts at risk of serious injury. In other words, don’t try this at home. The people who do train their prolapse have a lot of experience with their body, and sure you need to start somewhere, but following what they do is something you do at your own risk. My stupid antics could have put my butt permanently out of action, and that would be a damn shame, because I would have sacrificed my fist bottoming – something that has given me the best feelings I have ever had in my life.

So, can you actually make yourself a prolapse?

The jury’s out on this; some think yes, some no. What I do know is the following: the guys (specifically fist bottoms) I’ve spoken to who have a monster prolapse say that it happened with not much encouragement. Their bodies were built this way. They prolapsed early and accidentally, and decided it wasn’t so bad after all; it hasn’t been a danger to them, and for the most part they have come to find it pleasurable and sexy. In medical studies I’ve read, prolapse has been attributed to deficiencies in ligament structure in the pelvic area, as well as the makeup of the gut’s connective tissue, and maybe also even having slack pelvic floor muscles. And it seems that these structures in the body are genetic: either you have the slackness, or you don’t. Finding out whether you do, well, that’s a matter for some exploration. If you get fisted, probably you know by now how easily your guts see daylight when you push out. Got a rosebud? Same here – nothing special. Actual meat hanging out more than 3cm? Maybe you’ve got the prolapsing gift. Trust those who have one: they all let it happen naturally, rather than forcing it. What they do with it after it appears by itself is another story for chapter two… TL;DR: prolapse is more nature than nurture, and cit out is only going to work if your body is predisposed to it in the first place.

What about the danger of rectal incarceration etc. for fisters prolapsing?

This is inconclusive. I have spoken with multiple prolapsers who haven’t had a medical problem with incarceration/tissue dying, and haven’t experienced it getting infected or required medical help for their prolapse. But just because anecdotally I haven’t heard about it doesn’t mean that that doesn’t happen. Be vigilant and informed, and play gently, and use the fisters’ rule of thumb: if you suspect injury during play, go to hospital. I will say this: it is my understanding that incarceration of the rectum happens when the asshole is tight and won’t allow enough space for the guts to go back in. Surely this is unlikely in fisters because our assholes are just so fucking loose. With a loose anal canal you seem to be able to just suck the prolapse back inside you (or have someone shove it in with skill, like in Timmyph’s case). This belief is based only on the videos I’ve seen and chats I’ve had with people who prolapse, so don’t quote me on this and don’t take it as fact. For the last time, I am not a medical professional and I don’t have definitive answers on this.

Now that the serious stuff is out of the way, you probably need a palette cleaner, so watch this stunning vid of Timmyph having a big old happy prolapse. And after that, check out part 2 of my prolapse exposé: “Conversations with prolapsers: what I learned”, where I look at the following:

  • The people behind the prolapses
  • What they say
  • The interviews
  • My favourite vids

Cheers, fuckers.
